Students sitting in classroom

What Will Our Kids Do When They Grow Up?


They may be authorities on finance and macroeconomics, but even titans of Wall Street seldom grasp the full scope of the jobs crisis facing our country, says Art Bilger, founder and CEO of WorkingNation. It’s difficult even for the most sophisticated members of our society to understand just how profoundly globalization, technology, longevity and education will combine to transform the workplace in the years ahead.

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Speaking with the hosts of “Dollars & Change” on Business Radio Powered by the Wharton School at Sirius XM, Bilger explained that he founded WorkingNation to raise awareness and educate Americans about the profound changes that are affecting the labor market and the very nature of work for their neighbors and, especially, their children.

Learn what thought leaders and working people of all kinds need to do if they want to thrive in a changing world.