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Support for Veterans Beyond the Workplace

Transition from military to civilian life can be challenging

The military-connected community weighs in on how to ease this move to a new life
The military-connected community weighs in on how to ease this move to a new life

Wraparound services provide veterans with a more comprehensive portfolio of resources that can facilitate a more successful transition to civilian life, including access to education, workforce development programs, and community engagement.

The U.S. Department of Defense, the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs, and the U.S. Department of Labor have all put tremendous effort into the transition experience for service members who are leaving the military, but these federal agencies still cannot meet all the needs of each and every veteran – that’s where wraparound services come into play.

Organizations and practitioners that provide specialized services to veterans are able to address a broader scope of issues, such as access to high quality healthcare, comprehensive insurance, and childcare services, which are just some of the things veterans need to take care of their families.

On a more personal level, some organizations provide longer-term mental health care for veterans, who are at higher risk for suicide 3-5 years after they leave the military, and then again at the 20-year mark.

Gainful employment, a sense of purpose, and a sense of community are essential to bridging the gap between military service and civilian life, and a successful approach to transitioning out of service must go beyond simply helping veterans find their first job to include giving them the appropriate tools and resources they need to be self-reliant for the rest of their lives.

Journalist Hari Sreenivasan speaks with Tommy Jones, Verizon; Ikram Mansori, VetsinTech; Laura Schmiegel, Orion Talent; John Boerstler, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs; and Jim Lorraine, America’s Warrior Partnership.

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