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Transferring Military Skills into Civilian Jobs

The move to educate employers about the valuable skills veterans acquire in the military and can transfer to the private sector

While vets hope that the skills gained in the military can be transferred directly to a new career, many times, companies are either unable or unwilling to recognize that experience.
While vets hope that the skills gained in the military can be transferred directly to a new career, many times, companies are either unable or unwilling to recognize that experience.

Identifying transferable skills may be one of the hardest tasks facing military veterans as they transition to the civilian workforce.

While vets hope that the skills gained in the military can be transferred directly to a new career, many times, companies are either unable or unwilling to recognize that experience. And that can leave veterans both frustrated and underemployed.

Additional Videos is our signature digital series that shines the spotlight on the most innovative initiatives helping to train and re-skill Americans for the most in-demand jobs now and in the future.

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