Upskilling is a way for workers to be better prepared for the future—particularly since it’s unknown what the future looks like in light of COVID-19. That’s according to Kristy McCann Flynn, Founder and CEO of GoCoach.
She explains, “We are a marketplace of coaches that upskills employees teaching hard and soft skills. We coach from entry-level to the executive-level.” McCann Flynn says even before the pandemic, there was demand for talent and a skills shortage. She says upskilling workers is essential, adding, “We’re doubling down on that mission, and making sure we can help as many people, as possible.”
GoCoach is offering, for a limited time, free coaching to displaced workers, and free management training to all managers and leaders. McCann Flynn says participants fill out an assessment to get an idea of their current state and how they want to evolve. She says, “Coaching is about unlocking and unblocking where people feel they have limited potential. By unlocking that, it gets them into a growth mindset.”
The coaching is conducted virtually so the connections can be made everywhere and anytime. McCann Flynn emphasizes that learning is lifelong. She says it’s important that companies develop their current workforces, noting it’s not strategically sound to hire-and-replace.
She adds, “Companies lost a lot of money and missed goals by not developing their people.” Her mission is to help companies meet goals by empowering their employees on their own career paths.