On June 18, Team WorkingNation peddled out of Oceanside, California beginning the 3,069-mile, cross-country bicycle competition—Race Across America (RAAM). Five days and 20 hours later the 4-man cycling team, with the help of their crew, crossed the finish line at Annapolis, Maryland as race champions.
Team Captain Kurt Broadhag believes the concept of Race Across America serves as a metaphor for the message of WorkingNation. To complete the ultra-challenging race Broadhag states, “we come together as a team, all 22 of us, from completely different backgrounds. We have to work together as a team for a week straight, 24/7. We have to adapt to each other, learn different things within that week and come out on top. And that’s something I think the workforce in America kind of has to take note of and do the same thing.”
WorkingNation was founded on the same principles that the cycling team used to accomplish their goal of completing and winning RAAM. Our country—individuals, corporations, thought-leaders, government, not-for-profits—must work together to solve America’s job crisis.
Just like cycling from coast-to-coast through various terrains and brutal weather, the challenge ahead of America is daunting and difficult. But with adaption to the changes in technology, globalization, longevity, as well as, lifelong learning and hard work WorkingNation believes our nation can come out on top.