Quality Jobs. Digital Magazine. A WorkingNation JFF digital magazine

Building a blueprint for an inclusive, sustainable, and economically viable green future

Our new digital magazine explores local initiatives addressing climate change and creating a workforce ready to take that action

Welcome to Quality Jobs. Green Future., our new WorkingNation digital magazine produced in partnership with Jobs for the Future.

In these pages, we take a closer look at the movement to create more climate-resilient communities that not only will mitigate the impact of climate change but will create quality green jobs for people in those communities.

Quality Jobs. Green Future focuses on the work being undertaken through the Climate-Resilient Employees for a Sustainable Tomorrow (CREST) initiative. CREST is a career preparation and reskilling initiative of the Ares Charitable Foundation that aims to help close the gap between the demand for a skilled workforce for green jobs and the number of people prepared for these opportunities.

Working in partnership with Jobs for the Future and World Resources Institute – through research, job training, identification of regional solutions, and support for climate innovators and entrepreneurs – CREST’s mission is to prepare an inclusive and skilled green workforce and to design and deliver scalable solutions.

The initiative’s goal is to train and place at least 25,000 individuals in clean energy jobs, while further raising awareness of climate-resilient careers among 100,000 individuals.

By bringing together community players – small businesses, higher education institutions, and nonprofits – CREST’s goal is to help regions develop a blueprint for an inclusive, sustainable, and economically viable green future.

We invite you to explore the work being done across the country in Quality Jobs. Green Future.