
Back to Work: This week, we found pathways in firefighting equipment manufacturing, cybersecurity, and powerline technology

We’re looking for workforce opportunities as Americans look to land jobs

WorkingNation is always checking out what’s going on in workforce development around the country. Take a look at some recent findings in Arkansas, Maine, Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.

From Arkansas: Arkansas Business reports a tech firm and a nonprofit are collaborating to train talent to fill open cybersecurity jobs in the state.

From Maine: Bangor Daily News reports a new interactive learning space in Aroostook County is designed to give residents greater access to learning opportunities in programs including business, pharmacy studies, and leadership skills.

From Virginia: WTVR reports a new bakery in Richmond is offering job training to young adults with developmental disabilities.

From Wisconsin: Fire Engineering reports Pierce Manufacturing, a fire apparatus manufacturer is expanding its Appleton and Neenah facilities creating more than 200 new jobs.

From Wyoming: Rocket Miner reports Western Wyoming Community College will offer a new powerline technology program beginning in the fall of next year.

Did you miss our previous Back to Work stories from around the country? Catch up here.

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