tornado in kansas 2

Back to Work: Natural disaster recovery, health care, and union painters

Check out some workforce opportunities we found around the country

The number of employed people increased in 49 states and the District of Columbia in April, according to the latest state jobs numbers released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics last week.

So who’s hiring and where?

Here are a few job and training opportunities we spotted around the country. Take a look.

From Alaska: KTOO reports federal funding will allow the University of Alaska Anchorage College of Health to annually graduate an additional 100 health care workers.

From California: Sierra Sun Times reports the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection has awarded grants to organizations to train over 5,000 people in prescribed fire, fuels treatment, firefighting, and forestry. 

From Indiana: Inside Indiana Business reports a $1.5 million federal grant awarded to Indiana Tech in Fort Wayne will support 11 engineering and manufacturing certification programs.

From Kansas: KU Today reports a $24 million statewide investment will – among other initiatives –develop science and tech educational resources for K-12 through higher ed aimed at helping communities prepare for and recover from natural disasters.

From New York: NYC Health + Hospitals announces a union apprenticeship to train people for careers as painters.

Did you miss our previous Back to Work stories from around the country? Catch up here.