
First suggestion: Don’t panic!

WorkingNation Founder and CEO Art Bilger and President Jane Oates discuss why we shouldn't panic over projected job losses due to automation and technology on Wondery's Safe for Work podcast.

When we produced our Slope of the Curve video for WorkingNation in 2016, we cited a  recent Oxford University study that suggests as many as 47 percent of all jobs are likely to be eliminated by automation within the next 20 years.

Since then, the conversation has reached a fever-pitch. That statistic continues to reverberate as workers become more and more concerned about technology encroaching on their jobs. WorkingNation’s mission is central to the conversation around preparing industry and the workforce by arming them with solutions to the challenges presented by the future of work.

Founder and CEO Art Bilger and President Jane Oates took an opportunity to discuss our mission as they joined the solutions-driven Safe for Work podcast. Art and Jane spoke with hosts Liz Dolan and Rico Gagliano on how to prepare businesses and workers for changes tech may bring to their industries, and where the jobs of the future will be.

Their first suggestion? Don’t panic. Listen below for the full Safe for Work Podcast: Preparing for the Future of Work. Art and Jane are among several guests, and their interview begins at about the 18-minute mark of the podcast.

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